
Is yerba mate really a slimming ally?

Does yerba mate help with weight loss? | Kusmi Tea

The health benefits of mate are numerous! Slimming ally, appetite suppressant, fat burner, mate is said to have many weight loss properties. But are these claims really proven? Thanks to its antioxidants and caffeine, mate leaves can indeed be considered as an aid to elimination. They are also said to have draining and detoxifying properties. What is the reason for this? Can we really say that mate is a plant that helps you lose weight? Does it have an action on weight loss? We untangle the true from the false.

multiple health benefits

Losing weight with mate: is it possible?

Among the benefits of mate, its slimming power is often cited. According to some sources, its regular consumption has a real "appetite suppressant" effect. According to a Japanese study, mate increases the feeling of satiety and helps to better manage daily calorie intake, thus indirectly helping to lose weight. But is this enough to say that mate has an effect on weight loss?

Mate and its draining power

The richness in antioxidants and caffeine gives mate draining properties. It helps to eliminate more easily and to fight against water retention.

What is the supposed fat-burning effect of mate due to?

Mate is a thermogenic drink, which means that it accelerates the metabolism and facilitates the burning of fat by the body. How does it do this? Because of its caffeine content, whose fat-burning effect is well known. Belonging to the methylxanthine family, caffeine promotes the process of lipolysis, which consists of the removal of fat. It thus helps to stimulate the metabolism.

Mate: a calorie-free drink

Drinking mate has no impact on your diet or the weight on the scales, provided you don't add sugar. And there is no shortage of recipes for indulging yourself even more!

Mate and sport: improving sporting performance?

Mate is said to be an asset for sporting activities. According to an American study carried out on a group of cyclists, drinking yerba mate before and during a sporting activity boosts energy and accelerates the metabolism. Due to its caffeine content, physical fatigue is reduced and physical performance is boosted.

Our mate detox recipe

How about making a detox mate tea? Ideal for the summer months, this recipe for cold mate can be prepared in 5 minutes! Don't forget that there is no shortage of recipes.

- 1 cup of boiling water, ½ grapefruit, 2 spoons of mate, 2 drops of vanilla extract, 1 clove

1- Let 2 spoons of mate infuse in your cup of boiling water for 15 minutes;

2- Add the clove and vanilla extract during the infusion;

3- Strain your tea and add the juice of ½ grapefruit;

4- Stir it all together;

5- For a refreshing effect, add some ice cubes and you're done!

6- Try this quick and easy detox mate recipe! Natural and invigorating, this drink will give you the boost you need for the day.

Our best sellers with organic mate :

Organic Blue Detox

Organic BB Detox

Organic Detox

Organic Boost

As you can see, the fat burning and slimming properties of yerba mate are indirect. Drinking mate regularly will not make you lose weight, but it will help you eliminate more easily because of its caffeine content and its richness in antioxidants. Only a healthy diet and regular exercise will help you achieve your weight loss goal.

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