
In search of Morpheus: five organic herbal teas for sleeping

In search of Morpheus: five organic herbal teas for sleeping

Almost as precious as Frodo's ring, sleep is essential for our well-being. We spend a third of our life sleeping. A waste of time? Well no, sleep is crucial for the proper functioning of our body. Beyond physical and psychological rest, sleep is involved at all stages of our well-being: from learning to memorisation, including the effectiveness of the immune system


We like to say "the early bird catches the worm", but what if that bird is early because it slept well? 
While sleep is really important, it can be hard to achieve. After counting sheep and trying breathing exercises, what about trying a sleep infusion? With our Be cool peppermint verbena or our Lovely Night linden evening infusion, we promise you one thing: sooner or later the sandman will pass. 



At Kusmi we are keen for you to spend wonderfully restful nights, so we would like to point you in the direction of our bedtime infusions.

What is the best herbal tea for sleeping? What herbal tea should you drink in the evening? 
See our 5 evening infusions


A date with Morpheus… and more if you like: 5 Kusmi infusions for sleeping


#1 : Lovely Night, the organic evening tea with chamomile, verbena and linden.

Rooibos, verbena, linden and chamomile: we have gathered together the best plants for sleeping in this evening infusion. The Lovely Night evening infusion containing relaxing plants like linden and verbena on a Honeybush base will soothe you. As for the pear flavour, it is just there to please you. 
Whether you prefer a waltz or a limbo, rest assured, you will end up dancing in good company... with Morpheus. It seems his arms are comfortable. In other words this evening infusion will guide you right through to the end of the night. 


#2 :  Be cool, organic relaxing herbal tea with verbena and notes of peppermint, liquorice and apple.

Before any "date" with Morpheus, you have to know how to relax, wouldn't you agree?  This is the mission we have given to our Be Cool sleeping infusion with mint, verbena, apple and liquorice
To get to sleep, you have to know how to let go of life's little worries... in short, simply be cool. And what could be better than our Be cool soothing infusion? You just have to know how to put (simmering) water on your sleep infusion.

#3 : Feel Zen, organic rooibos with fruit and caramel 

In the category of evening infusions, our Feel Zen organic herbal tea is undoubtedly the most exquisite. With the Feel Zen rooibos-based infusion it is time to put yourself in airplane mode and welcome the sandman. Just before going to sleep, savour the sweetness offered by the roundness of organic rooibos and the gourmet flavour of caramel. For the relaxation necessary to finally encounter sleep, you can count on the lemon balm present in this blend. 


#4 : Organic vanilla rooibos

The sleep infusion can also be consumed just to spoil yourself. Nestled in bed, at Kusmi, we like to pamper ourselves with an organic vanilla rooibos. While rooibos is a red tea, it does not contain theine and can be drunk after dinner without any worry. 
Read all about rooibos, the red tea from South Africa 


#5 Organic rooibos with almond 

Organic rooibos with almond is the gateway to nostalgic dreams. The almond guarantees a return to childhood. No more need for relaxing plants when the almond reminds us of our carefree childhood, right? Organic rooibos with almond is the infusion for sleeping like a baby. 
With these five sleep infusions, you can be confident of a serious conversation with Morpheus. And of course we prefer a close relationship with him. 
See all our organic rooibos.


Herbs for infusion for a better sleep

The reason our Lovely Night, Be Cool and Feel Zen evening infusions are the best organic infusions to help you sleep is because they are made from the appropriate plants.  Certain relaxing and soothing plants appear to be excellent remedies for a good sleep. We tell you all about the benefits of plants that help you get a good night's sleep

4 plants to help you sleep well



Chamomile is THE most famous of grandmother's sleep remedies. The evidence: chamomile is one of the best-selling plants in the world. A great classic that does not go out of fashion. At Kusmi, we are far 
from grandma's modest chamomile. The plant known for its calming virtues finds a place in our Lovely night organic evening infusion with a nice pear taste, the one that has you dancing with Morpheus. 
While chamomile is well known for soothing and aiding sleep, it has other benefits. Read all about the many virtues of the chamomile infusion.



Originally from Europe, linden has always been widely used both in medicine and in witchcraft. Indeed, the linden or lime tree is the multi-tasking plant that is effective in treating flu, insomnia, nervous system disorders, dizziness... At Kusmi, it is its soothing properties that interest us. To all those thinkers who find it hard to sleep, stop thinking and add linden to your night routine. Linden is recognised for its effects on the nervous system. Hypnotic and gentle sedative, linden is particularly recommended for getting to sleep. More generally, the plant can alleviate stress from working too hard intellectually. Is this the right plant for you to sleep? If so, you will find it again in our Lovely Night organic infusion 



Does verbena make you sleep? Verbena is present in two of our relaxing organic infusions for its relaxing powers, and therefore for its potential effectiveness on sleep disorders. Verbena can fight against stress and related intestinal disorders. Verbena would therefore be recommendable for fighting against sleep disorders linked to anxiety


Lemon balm  

Not as well known as chamomile or verbena, lemon balm is however no less effective in successfully helping sleep come more easily. To be found in our organic Feel Zen infusion, based on organic rooibos, apple and caramel orange flavour, lemon balm has been known since ancient Greece to fight against nervous disorders, stress and overwork. Three factors that can cause sleep disorders
